Tuesday, October 21, 2014


If there's one thing I can't stand, it's people fronting. I don't mind when it's applicable like shining on a potential employer but when it's someone who doesn't have the credibility to be acting like Beyoncé, that's when I go off. And not to mention, my eyes roll so hard they fall out of their sockets.
It's just tacky and leaves a bad flavor in everyone's mouth. This is basically the reason why I stopped putting myself out there for the last two years because of dealing with people like this. When it comes to interning, you're literally working for free. Meaning, you're doing that someone a favor. And if there's no revenue coming through other than you gaining experience and maybe school credit, the least this employer could do is treat you with respect.
When I give someone my free time, especially now that I am making money in this field, I expect to be treated as an equal. Not to mention, I'm twenty-two. I'm not a kid just looking for an internship. Yeah, I'm young, eager, and willing but bitch, leave your money on the night stand when we're through.
I encourage anyone to take advantage of my services when I'm laying them out for free but when I'm being taken for granted of and being used for other things other than general clothing related tasks, that's when I draw the line. It just amazes me how high people can get off their own egos especially when they're on that struggle themselves. This is why I encourage anyone who's helping out even a friend in the fashion field to always demand respect and have limitations. I've made mistakes before in not doing so and have ended up nowhere. Empty promises aren't cute and having someone out there with a real, negative image of said person, is even worse.

Know your worth.