Saturday, November 23, 2013

Bros and Comb Overs

Baby boy, Cole Mohr is excused from this article
It's very rare and only happens to me every five years or so-and let it be known, the first time this happened, it was five years ago. It's basically when I feel like we, as a society of youths, have reached a peak. And the first time this peak happened, we were six-feet deep in the, "let's go green! Peace n' Love B.S." trend. And the lovely year was 2008. Remember that? Peace signs, everywhere. And half the time, they were associated with some form of recycling. Like, buying a "reusable" bag made out of tarps with little hearts was worthy of our time. *cough* Target *cough*
The root of all evil.
So, when a specific trend profiles males, preferably, bro-males, I have to write about it. Basically, this is the first time since plaid shorts popped into the scene (like, back in 2005,) that a trend has reached the likes of the every day male but most importantly, the worst kind of male. The bro male. The annoying swag bros that act like filming a Vine of themselves spitting out water and driving in a tricked out car with an "Illest" sticker is like, the best thing ever. So, what I'm getting at is, apparently having a comb over is like, all the rage and I blame Ryan Gosling for this. What an asshole. A sweet asshole, because I feel like Ryan Gosling would slap the shit out of you and then apologize and take you out for burgs' n' fries. With his cute lil' comb over.

I guess my anger doesn't really go directly to Ryan Gosling, even though I blame him for the appeal but, I've had the hair cut for the "comb over" for at least five years now. Maybe I'm just being a hipster about it but, YA'LL LATE TO THIS PARTY. LATE. And THIS article, isn't becoming so it needs to go to the back of the line and have a seat because saying that all guys should have this haircut and style, can honestly suck my left one. I'm so done bumping into guys with tank tops, slim fit jeans, Vans, and worst of all, a gel-ed down comb over.


Images via Instagram and Tumblr. You posted them so I can use them.


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