Sunday, August 10, 2014


I'm not even going to deny that this is my first time to New York nor am I going to deny that I totally want to do the tourist thing when I get the chance. I'm so excited that I project this false image that I'm not. Even though, I clearly am. I know, it's very LA of me.

1. I really want a Carrie Bradshaw-Sex and the City moment, a Brad-Mo if you will.
I say this because relatively, one of the only ways I've encountered NYC in my life, is through re-runs of SATC on E!. And also from just about every 90's movie ever made because somehow the main character is always from the Big Apple.

2. I want to eat pizza and act like it's the best pizza I've ever had.
Don't deny it, everyone pretends like NYC has the best pizza. Just go with it~

3.Visit the VFiles shop and maybe, possibly, flip off Danielle from Danielle Live.
I said it but you were thinkin' it. *wink*

4. Take a picture on the vench, after I've flipped off Danielle.
Don't worry, it's going on Instagram.

5. Visit Patricia Fields' store because that's just mandatory.

7. Go to Times Square and just start screaming.
Sorry but being a product of the 90's, back when TRL was filmed in Times Square, has always left me envious of those pre-pubescent teenagers screaming their asses off for their favorite musicians.

8. Quote Paris is Burning at least once.
Most likely at a really bizarre, inappropriate time, like during dinner. POULTRY REALNESS

9. Listen to Lil' Kim because why the fuck not?

Obviously, there's plenty of other things I want to do but really, I just plan on going with it.


I totally like Danielle from V Files and don't actually want to flip her off. I don't need that bad karma.

Friday, August 1, 2014


I've been wanting to get back into writing and blogging but the desire and most importantly, the inspiration has not been there. Ever since my old blog, Portions of Karl, went belly up two years ago and got swallowed up by Google, I've just had zero interest. And truthfully, I miss it. The whole getting excited about fashion and having the need to share my thoughts with the world is the thing I miss most. But knowing that my favorite bloggers have gone to bigger and better things, makes it feel rather empty at this end of the table.
Spring.Summer 2015
Though moving forward, my life has been on a trackless roller coaster for most of this year. I've been floating on through the abyss that is life and I've had absolutely no problem with it. Exactly one week after getting dumped and two days after Christmas of last year, I started interning for one of my favorite designers, Shaun Samson. And as of last month, I am now an employed member of his team. (internal screaming)
It's been a very rewarding year working and being mentored under him but I truly could not have asked for such an amazing (and unexpected) opportunity. And now that I am officially tied to his label, it's all open road from here. (I get really excited when I think about it!)
Honorary boy!
As of, relatively. two weeks now, I've been interning for a mutual friend I made through my boss. The ever lovely and notorious Lulu of Lulu and Your Mom, has allowed me to intern for her. Her label, The Fashion Club, is soon to bloom from the ground up and I'm more than happy for her. I'll be going to New York City for the first time come September to help out with her private showcase of the latest pieces from her label. I'm very excited and hell yes to unforeseen travel to the LA of the East Coast! Ah!

I'm telling you, 2014 has been an adventure.