Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Ever since I first laid eyes on J.W. Anderson's autumn.winter 2010 collection, I knew I had found what was missing in my life. I know that makes me sound like one of Lady Gaga's Little Monsters but honestly, at the time, I was barely starting my first semester at some shitty community college instead of the fashion design school I was supposed to have attended and I even went as far as taking some pottery class to fill in that creative void. So I guess, in some ways, I had fallen into something of a depression because of it. Especially since I spent most of my senior waiting in anticipation to attend this design school, only to have the economy rape me (without lube, might I add) of that privilege. So when I found out about this mythical designer, who specialized in menswear, I knew I had found the light.

I find that since dropping out and attending a new college that offers a fashion design program, my love for Jonathan's work has grown and developed. His work is something of a fire starter that ignites some inspiration for my course work. Season after season, I see growth and can't help but find something new to admire about him or his aesthetic. I have said before that menswear is the last frontier in fashion and I find that Jonathan is truly one of the few designers breaking molds and introducing new shapes, fabrics, and silhouettes into the mundane world that, unfortunately, is menswear. That, in it's self, is what I love. That is what keeps me going through school.
So when I found out about this collaboration, I knew it was going to be good. What I love about this collaboration is seeing how Jonathan's past collections inspired the pieces in the collaboration. It's a bit of fun making out which collection stands behind which piece because it's really cool how, in a way, you're able to own something from a collection you might be fond of. Though for me, that might be hard. So I took it upon myself to find the collections that stand behind pieces from the collaboration that I love. Enjoy.

Autumn.Winter 2010
The one that started it all.

Spring.Summer 2011
The Devoured and I

Autumn.Winter 2011
The Fear of Naturalism

Spring.Summer 2012
Craft Goes Machine

Images via and


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