Tuesday, July 31, 2012


My accidental shrine to Rookie on my closet door featuring a Petra Collins postcard, two photographs with Meadham Kirchhoff's viels, and a Strange Magic ad I stole
This past week was pretty awesome with Space15Twenty, here in Hollywood, housing Tavi and Petra's installation, Strange Magic. For me, it was the epitome of a Goodwill's knick-knack wall meets vintage Avon catalogs meets your grandmothers' bedroom getting blended together to create this pastel concoction that made my synesthesia kick in. I immediately got the flavor of Thrifty's rainbow sherbet ice cream in my mouth and the scent of roses in my nose. It was perfect. Though Friday's event, which had fellow Rookie writers reading aloud some of their work, including my boo, Marie of Agent Lover, was absolutely magical.

Me being a creepy face with cute lil' Tavi
It was about ten minutes before the readings took off that I ran into Marie and exchanged hellos and a few words that she led me to meet my little goddess, Tavi. If you only knew what that did to me; I shit myself all over the entire place! I barely had enough time to collect my thoughts and get myself together before I realized that I was shaking hands with her!
She was seriously the best! So poised and straight forward that she abolished any nerves I had. We had a brief conversation before she had to go get ready but before she left, I gave her a note and burger brooche I made for her. (Which, by the way, matched her striped shirt perfectly!)

Being ~cRaZy n' rAnDoM~ with Marie
It was such a lovely evening full laughter and flower crowns that ended grubbing with Marie and her friends and meeting the lady boo of the lead singer to a favorite band of mine. Kinda freaky but rather amazing. There must have been some ~strange magic~ in the air.
See what I did there? HA

My Instagram screename is Chologoth

Monday, July 30, 2012


Ever since my sister managed to snag a pair of patent leather Docs from Ross some six years ago like a damn hipster, I've always wanted a pair to call my own. Though living in the world we do where companies insist on shoving redundant basic shit for dudes to wear, Docs never made a patent leather boot for men. At least, not that I'm aware of. Though after making a late night run to Target the other night and aimlessly walking towards the shoe department with my sister, I found these babies.

The lining of the boots are what did me in. I love plaid!
Obviously they were meant for girls because the guys shoe selection there SUCKS, (seriously, Target is like a lower-lower end Urban Outfitters when it comes to whats for sale for dudes) the biggest size fit me like a glove! I secretly would love to meet a chick with a foot as big as mine but until then, you can admire mine in these bewts! Which are sturdy as fuck, considering their knockoff Docs. They honestly don't even need the zippers on the sides but I guess it "adds character."

Monday, July 2, 2012


I'd post more images but it's too good not to view it all
Ok, you know that amazing feeling you get when you meet someone for the first time and you hit it off so well that at the end of the night you're just like, "where the hell have you been all my life?!" Yeah, that's basically how I felt after watching Frankie Morello's menswear collection for Spring 2013. It's so me right now that it's tripping me out when I think about it. Especially since I changed my URL to Chologoth on Tumblr not too long ago and this collection is like, the perfect combo of both subcultures; cholos and goths.
The accessories are also perfect here with the gold chains and the caps, preferably the one with the gold chains on it. UGH, perfection! Though not too complicated like his past collections, it's just the perfect amount of moody and tough while still bringing in ~feminine~ attributes like the copper sweat pants. It's perfect.

Image via Tumblr


Riccardo Tisci has been making me shed precious man tears for the past few seasons. His mesnwear collections have really been speaking to me like, it's kind of amazing. He has the ability to make leggings and skirts and nose rings look amazing on the manliest of men without a single bat of anyone's lashes. I mean, even I have taken inspiration for my personal wardrobe.
Though seriously, this collection was just a continuation of what we've all been eating up yet has been condensed with neutral colors, airy fabrics, bold religious imagery, and the best looking sandals we'll be seeing for quite some time. Though did you seriously think I would shed precious man tears? Psh.

All images via Style.com